

Hypnotherapy Practitioners Diploma, Clifton Practice Solution Focused Hypnotherapist:

Gavin has been awarded the 'gold standard' in clinical hypnotherapy by graduating through the Clifton Practice Hypnotherapy Training. The Clifton Practice hypnotherapy model is based on 'Solution Focused Hypnotherapy'. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is practical, modern and neuroscience driven. Gavin uses well researched strategies to help individuals make significant positive changes in their lives in a relatively short time period. Gavin looks at what you want to achieve and focuses on creating a new present and positive future.

Everything is based on getting your brain working for you and your thoughts to benefit you - in achieving everything you want from life. You can only fulfil your potential by gaining true mastery over your thoughts. Glenn Catley (ex world champion boxing) credits his sessions of Clifton Practice Solution Focused Hypnotherapy as the key ingredient as to how he was able to maximise his potential and achieve his ultimate goals.

Hypnotherapy can play a hugely beneficial role in reaching your health objectives, for example in weight loss, excessive stress and poor sleeping patterns can create a negative cycle leading to releasing of cortisol (stress hormone) and visceral (internal) fat storing. Reducing stress, having a great sleep and being confident in your ability to achieve your goals, can be vital in reaching your health and performance potential.

Gavin can help in many wide ranging areas such as increasing your confidence and self esteem, reducing anger, anxiety, panic attacks, depression and food cravings, and minimising various types of phobias (such as flying, spiders, water and public speaking). Gavin's hypnotherapy sessions can teach you the inner workings of the brain, give you an elite sporting mindset, reduce anger, anxiety, depression and increase self confidence. The sessions can put you in a position whereby you can look forward to your future and take significant positive steps towards your goals. Whether your goal is to improve sporting performance, reduce anxiety/depression or lose weight/transform your health.

Hypnotherapy for sports performance can help you to visualise your sporting success and develop mental strategies that can help you to keep your composure under pressure and perform at your optimum.

Get in touch to enquire about Gavin's availability for hypnotherapy sessions (below)

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